High-Capacity Transit System
Valley Metro is the regional public transportation authority providing coordinated, multi-modal transit options to residents of metro Phoenix. With a core mission of connecting communities and enhancing lives, Valley Metro plans, builds, operates and maintains the bus, vanpool and rail systems and alternative transportation programs for commuters, seniors and people with disabilities.
Streetcar Overview
Modern streetcar is designed to run on tracks embedded in streets or in dedicated rail corridors. It typically operates in urban areas, providing a convenient and efficient mode of transportation for short to medium distances. Streetcar had been a vision in the East Valley for more than a decade — adding to the mix of multi-modal transit options and serving a busy downtown core made up of residents, businesses and students. The first step in realizing that vision became a reality on May 20, 2022, when the region's first streetcar line opened to riders in central Tempe. Learn more about streetcar at valleymetro.org/streetcar.

Streetcar Benefits
Streetcar is more than just a mode of transportation—it's a vital thread woven into the fabric of Tempe and eventually Mesa's growth and community well-being. Some of the benefits include:
Enhanced Connectivity, Mobility and Access: streetcar seamlessly connects riders to neighborhoods, major business centers as well as regional events and destinations.
Reduced Traffic Congestion: streetcar can help reduce traffic congestion on busy roadways.
Environmental Impact: streetcar plays a vital role in reducing the area's carbon footprint.
Economic Growth: it's common for streetcar to stimulate significant economic growth and create job opportunities, and to be a catalyst for sustainable development.

Rio East-Dobson Streetcar Extension (REDE) Study Overview
The REDE Study builds upon the Tempe/Mesa Streetcar Feasibility Study (TMSFS) which was conducted spring 2018 through summer 2020. The TMSFS evaluated possible extensions from the existing line in Tempe into Mesa. It identified the future route to extend the existing streetcar line from Rio Salado Parkway and Marina Heights in Tempe to Dobson Road in Mesa and south on Dobson Road to Main Street.
The REDE project will provide a detailed analysis of how streetcar can most effectively operate along the route, from Rio Salado Parkway and Marina Heights in Tempe to Dobson Road in Mesa and south on Dobson Road to Main Street. The study includes determining options for how streetcar operates in the roadway and where stop areas could be located.
Purpose and Need
Improve mobility and accessibility by providing a dependable and efficient high-capacity transit option that serves employment, activity centers, educational facilities and residential areas in and around:
Downtown Tempe
Marina Heights
Arizona State University and the Novus Innovation District
Tempe Marketplace
Sloan Park
Riverview Park
Mesa Riverview Mall
The Asian District
- Extend the streetcar system from downtown Tempe into Mesa to additional residential areas and destinations and add another connection to the light rail system
The need for the project includes:
Improving access, mobility and connectivity to employment and activity centers in north Tempe and west Mesa along Rio Salado Parkway and Dobson Road
Supporting the projected growth in area population and employment as well as the projected increase in transportation demand along the corridor
Supporting current and future land-use planning for economic and transit-oriented development
Improving access and mobility for low income, minority and transit dependent populations
Evaluation Criteria
The following factors are included in evaluating track locations and stop areas:
Access to transit connections and adjacent land uses (existing and planned)
Ridership potential
Right-of-way needs
Potential impacts to environment and existing infrastructure
Rio Salado Parkway Track Location Options
Streetcar could operate along either side of Rio Salado Parkway. It could also operate in a streetcar-only lane (dedicated) or in a shared lane with traffic (mixed flow). Existing transit easements along portions of Rio Salado allow roadway widening to accommodate streetcar lanes without impacting property or traffic lanes.
Rio Salado Parkway (Existing)

Option 1. Center Running, Dedicated (streetcar-only traffic lane)
- Avoids conflicts with vehicles and other transportation modes
- Provides faster streetcar travel speeds and increased reliability
- Avoids conflicts with right turn lanes and driveways
- Widened street requires additional right-of-way and/or use of existing easements
- Needs additional pedestrian crossing infrastructure at center platforms
- Conflicts with left turn lanes
Option 2. Center Running, Mixed Flow (shared traffic lane)
- Does not need additional right-of-way and/or lane modifications
- Maintains existing lane configurations
- Avoids conflicts with right turn lanes and driveways
- Slower travel speeds and reduced reliability, and greater potential for conflicts with other modes
- Needs additional pedestrian crossing infrastructure at center platforms
- Conflicts with left turn lanes
Option 3. Side Running, Dedicated (streetcar-only traffic lane)
- Avoids conflicts with vehicles and other transportation modes
- Avoids conflicts with left turn lanes
- Easier to integrate sidewalk platform with existing pedestrian infrastructure
- Provides faster streetcar travel speeds and increased reliability
- Widened street requires additional right-of-way and/or use of existing easements
- Platforms would be needed on both sides of the street causing duplicative infrastructure
- Conflicts with right turn lanes, driveways, and bike lanes
Option 4. Side Running, Mixed Flow (streetcar-only traffic lane)
- Avoids conflicts with left turn lanes
- Does not need additional right-of-way and/or lane modifications
- Maintains existing lane configurations
- Easier to integrate sidewalk platform with existing pedestrian infrastructure
- Conflicts with right turn lanes, driveways, and bike lanes
- Provides slower streetcar travel speeds and reduced reliability, and greater potential for conflicts with other transportation modes
- Platforms would be needed on both sides of the street causing duplicative infrastructure
Dobson Road Track Location Options
Streetcar could operate in the center or on either side of Dobson Road. It could also operate in a streetcar-only lane (dedicated) or shared lane with vehicle traffic (mixed flow).
Dobson Road (Existing)

Option 1. Center Running, Dedicated (streetcar-only traffic lane)
- Avoids conflicts with vehicles and other transportation modes
- Provides faster streetcar travel speeds and increased reliability
- Avoids conflicts with right turn lanes and driveways
- Requires reduction in lanes to fit in dedicated streetcar alignment
- Needs additional pedestrian crossing infrastructure at center platforms
- Conflicts with left turn lanes
Option 2. Center Running, Mixed Flow (shared traffic lane)
- Does not need additional right-of-way and/or lane modifications
- Maintains existing lane configurations
- Avoids conflicts with right turn lanes and driveways
- Slower travel speeds and reduced reliability, and greater potential for conflicts with other modes
- Needs additional pedestrian crossing infrastructure at center platforms
- Conflicts with left turn lanes
Option 3. Side Running, Dedicated (streetcar-only traffic lane)
- Avoids conflicts with vehicles and other transportation modes
- Avoids conflicts with left turn lanes
- Easier to integrate sidewalk platform with existing pedestrian infrastructure
- Provides faster streetcar travel speeds and increased reliability
- Requires reduction in lanes to fit in dedicated streetcar alignment
- Platforms would be needed on both sides of the street causing duplicative infrastructure
- Conflicts with right turn lanes, driveways, and bike lanes
Option 4. Side Running, Mixed Flow (streetcar-only traffic lane)
- Avoids conflicts with left turn lanes
- Does not need additional right-of-way and/or lane modifications
- Maintains existing lane configurations
- Easier to integrate sidewalk platform with existing pedestrian infrastructure
- Conflicts with right turn lanes, driveways, and bike lanes
- Provides slower streetcar travel speeds and reduced reliability, and greater potential for conflicts with other transportation modes
- Platforms would be needed on both sides of the street causing duplicative infrastructure
Marina Heights/Rio Salado to McClintock Drive Stop Area Options
Click on the name for each stop area option for more information about that area.

Stop Area Information
Rural Road Stop Area: near planned/future development; provides connections with north/south transit lines
Stop Area Information
Vista De Lago Drive to McClintock Drive Stop Area: near planned/future development; provides connections with north/south transit lines

Stop Area Information
Rural Road Stop Area: near planned/future development; provides connections with north/south transit lines
Stop Area Information
Vista De Lago Drive to McClintock Drive Stop Area: near planned/future development; provides connections with north/south transit lines
McClintock Drive to Loop 101 Stop Area Options
Click on the name for each stop area option for more information about that area.

Stop Area Information
McClintock Drive to Rockford Drive Stop Area: near Tempe Marketplace and the major transit transfer center at this shopping center

Stop Area Information
McClintock Drive to Rockford Drive Stop Area: near Tempe Marketplace and the major transit transfer center at this shopping center
Loop 101 to Dobson Road Stop Area Options
Click on the name for each stop area option for more information about that area.

Stop Area Information
Evergreen Road Stop Area: near Sloan Park, which is the Spring Training home to the Chicago Cubs and other events throughout the year
Stop Area Information
Rio Salado Parkway/Dobson Road Stop Area: near Riverview Park and Mesa Riverview; provides connections with north/south transit lines

Stop Area Information
Evergreen Road Stop Area: near Sloan Park, which is the Spring Training home to the Chicago Cubs and other events throughout the year
Stop Area Information
Rio Salado Parkway/Dobson Road Stop Area: near Riverview Park and Mesa Riverview; provides connections with north/south transit lines
Dobson Road (south to Main Street) Stop Area Options
Click on the name for each stop area option for more information about that area.

Stop Area Information
University Drive Stop Area: provides connections with east/west transit lines
Stop Area Information
Main Street Stop Area: provides connections with east/west transit lines, including light rail

Stop Area Information
University Drive Stop Area: provides connections with east/west transit lines
Stop Area Information
Main Street Stop Area: provides connections with east/west transit lines, including light rail
Next Steps / Timeline
The timeline for the study is shown below. Community outreach and engagement will continue throughout the study. At the completion of the REDE Study, the team will develop and present a final recommendation to the cities of Mesa and Tempe for consideration and possible adoption in early 2025.

- Invierno/Primavera de 2024 - Definir El Propósito y La Necesidad
- Primavera de 2024 - Identificar Alternativas (Estamos Aquí)
- Primavera/Verano de 2024 - Evaluar Alternativas
- Otoño de 2024 - Identificar las Alternativas Preferidas Localmente
- Otoño de 2024/Invierno de 2025 - Proceso de Adopción de las Alternativas Preferidas Localmente
We Need Your Input!
Thank you for attending the Rio East-Dobson Streetcar Extension online open house. Please make sure to review all the portions of this meeting and submit your feedback!
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If you have any additional input or questions, please use the comment button in the top right corner of your screen.
See What Others Are Saying
From May 28-June 28, please visit the Q&A section from this open house on a weekly basis to see the questions you or others have asked and the associated responses from the Study Team.
Study Website
To sign up for future study updates, visit Rio East-Dobson Streetcar Extension Study | Valley Metro.